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What Year Is It On The Hindu Calendar

Written by Ban Javo Sep 23, 2022 · 3 min read
What Year Is It On The Hindu Calendar

The Hindu calendar is a lunisolar calendar that is used by Hindus all over the world. It is also used by some other communities that follow Hinduism. The Hindu calendar is based on the motion of the moon and the sun. It is a complex system that is used to calculate dates for various festivals, auspicious days, and events.

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That extra player in the Hindu calendar
That extra player in the Hindu calendar from


The Hindu calendar is a lunisolar calendar that is used by Hindus all over the world. It is also used by some other communities that follow Hinduism. The Hindu calendar is based on the motion of the moon and the sun. It is a complex system that is used to calculate dates for various festivals, auspicious days, and events.

What is the Hindu Calendar?

The Hindu calendar is a lunisolar calendar that is based on the position of the moon and the sun. The calendar is divided into different cycles, which are called Yugas. Each Yuga has a certain number of years. The current Yuga is called Kali Yuga, which started in 3102 BCE.

Question: How is the Hindu calendar different from the Gregorian calendar?

The Hindu calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most parts of the world. The Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar that is based on the position of the sun. It has 365 days in a year, with an extra day added in a leap year. The Hindu calendar, on the other hand, has 12 lunar months in a year, with each month starting on the day of the new moon.

How is the Hindu Calendar Calculated?

The Hindu calendar is a complex system that is based on astronomical calculations. It takes into account the movement of the moon and the sun, as well as the position of the stars. The calendar is calculated by a group of scholars and astronomers, who use complex mathematical formulas to determine the dates.

Question: How are the months named in the Hindu calendar?

The months in the Hindu calendar are named after the different stars that are visible in the sky during that month. For example, the first month of the calendar is named Chaitra, which is named after the star Chitra. The second month is named Vaisakha, which is named after the star Vishakha.

What Year is it on the Hindu Calendar?

The current year on the Hindu calendar is 2079. The Hindu calendar starts from the year 1, which is equivalent to 3102 BCE. The year 2079 on the Hindu calendar corresponds to the year 2023 on the Gregorian calendar.

Question: How do Hindus celebrate the New Year on the Hindu calendar?

Hindus celebrate the New Year on the Hindu calendar in different ways. Some people perform special prayers and rituals on this day. Others visit temples and offer prayers to the deities. Many people also exchange gifts and sweets with their friends and family members.


The Hindu calendar is a complex system that is used by Hindus all over the world. It is based on the position of the moon and the sun, and is calculated by a group of scholars and astronomers. The current year on the Hindu calendar is 2079, which corresponds to the year 2023 on the Gregorian calendar.

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