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What Is A Calendar Spread

Written by Ban Javo May 12, 2023 ยท 3 min read
What Is A Calendar Spread

A calendar spread is a popular options trading strategy that involves buying and selling options contracts with different expiration dates. Also known as a time spread or horizontal spread, a calendar spread is used to take advantage of the difference in time decay between two options contracts.

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How Calendar Spreads Work (Best Explanation) projectoption
How Calendar Spreads Work (Best Explanation) projectoption from


A calendar spread is a popular options trading strategy that involves buying and selling options contracts with different expiration dates. Also known as a time spread or horizontal spread, a calendar spread is used to take advantage of the difference in time decay between two options contracts.

How Does a Calendar Spread Work?

With a calendar spread, you buy a longer-term option with a later expiration date and sell a shorter-term option with an earlier expiration date. You profit from the difference in time decay between the two options contracts, as the longer-term option loses value more slowly than the shorter-term option.

For example, let's say you buy a call option on XYZ stock with an expiration date of six months from now and sell a call option on the same stock with an expiration date of one month from now. As time passes, the shorter-term option will lose value faster than the longer-term option, allowing you to profit from the difference in time decay.

Benefits of a Calendar Spread

One of the main benefits of a calendar spread is that it allows you to take advantage of time decay while limiting your risk. Because you are buying and selling options contracts at different expiration dates, your potential losses are capped at the difference in premiums between the two contracts.

Another benefit of a calendar spread is that it can be used in both bullish and bearish market conditions. If you believe a stock will increase in value, you can use a call calendar spread, while if you believe a stock will decrease in value, you can use a put calendar spread.

Question and Answer

Q: What is time decay?

A: Time decay is the gradual reduction in the value of an options contract as it approaches its expiration date. As time passes, the option becomes less valuable because there is less time for the underlying asset to move in the direction you predicted.

Q: What is the difference between a call and a put calendar spread?

A: A call calendar spread involves buying a call option with a later expiration date and selling a call option with an earlier expiration date. A put calendar spread involves buying a put option with a later expiration date and selling a put option with an earlier expiration date.

Risks of a Calendar Spread

Although a calendar spread can be a profitable options trading strategy, there are also risks involved. One of the main risks is that the underlying asset may not move in the direction you predicted, causing both options contracts to lose value.

Another risk of a calendar spread is that it can be affected by changes in implied volatility. If the implied volatility of the underlying asset increases, the value of both options contracts may increase, causing you to lose money on the trade.


A calendar spread is a popular options trading strategy that involves buying and selling options contracts with different expiration dates. It allows you to take advantage of time decay while limiting your risk and can be used in both bullish and bearish market conditions. However, there are also risks involved, including changes in implied volatility and the potential for the underlying asset to move in the opposite direction of your prediction.

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