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How To Read The Mayan Calendar

Written by Ben Javu Mar 01, 2023 ยท 3 min read
How To Read The Mayan Calendar

Mayan civilization is one of the most fascinating ancient cultures, known for their complex calendar system. The Mayan calendar has been a topic of debate and interest for centuries, and its accuracy and complexity are still a marvel to this day. In this article, we will explore the Mayan calendar and learn how to read it in simple terms.

Table of Contents

Printable Mayan Calendar Tzolk'in ancient astrology, pagan art poster
Printable Mayan Calendar Tzolk'in ancient astrology, pagan art poster from


Mayan civilization is one of the most fascinating ancient cultures, known for their complex calendar system. The Mayan calendar has been a topic of debate and interest for centuries, and its accuracy and complexity are still a marvel to this day. In this article, we will explore the Mayan calendar and learn how to read it in simple terms.

What is the Mayan Calendar?

The Mayan calendar is a complex and intricate system of timekeeping that was used by the ancient Mayan civilization. It consists of several interlocking cycles that track time in different ways. The most well-known cycle is the Long Count, which is based on the number of days that have passed since a mythical starting point. This calendar was used for both religious and practical purposes.

How does the Long Count work?

The Long Count is based on a cycle of 13 baktuns, each of which is equivalent to 144,000 days. The starting point of the Long Count is believed to be August 11th, 3114 BCE in the Gregorian calendar. The Long Count is written in a series of five digits, with each digit representing a different unit of time. The first digit represents baktuns, the second represents katuns, the third represents tuns, the fourth represents uinals, and the fifth represents kin.

How to Read the Mayan Calendar

Reading the Mayan calendar can be a bit daunting at first, but with a little practice, it becomes easier to understand. Here are the basic steps:

Step 1: Understand the cycles

As mentioned earlier, the Mayan calendar consists of several interlocking cycles that track time in different ways. These cycles include the Long Count, the Tzolk'in, and the Haab'. It's important to understand the purpose of each cycle and how they relate to each other.

Step 2: Learn the glyphs

The Mayan calendar uses a series of glyphs to represent different units of time. Each glyph has a specific meaning and represents a specific unit of time. It's important to learn these glyphs and their meanings in order to read the calendar.

Step 3: Read the calendar

Once you understand the cycles and glyphs, reading the Mayan calendar becomes much easier. To read the calendar, you need to know the date you want to read and then count the number of days that have passed since the starting point of the Long Count. You can then use the glyphs to represent the different units of time and determine the date.

Question and Answer

Q: Is the Mayan calendar still used today?

A: While the Mayan calendar is no longer used for practical purposes, it is still used for religious and cultural ceremonies by some indigenous communities in Mexico and Central America.

Q: Is the Mayan calendar accurate?

A: The Mayan calendar is incredibly accurate, with some cycles tracking time to within a few seconds. However, there is no evidence to support the idea that the Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012.

Q: Why is the Mayan calendar important?

A: The Mayan calendar is important because it provides insight into the complex and sophisticated culture of the ancient Mayans. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of timekeeping and the measurement of time in human history.


The Mayan calendar is a fascinating and complex system of timekeeping that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. While it may seem daunting at first, with a little practice, anyone can learn to read the calendar. By understanding the cycles and glyphs, we can gain insight into the ancient Mayan civilization and their sophisticated culture.

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