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How To Add Someone To My Google Calendar

Written by Bon Juve Dec 19, 2022 ยท 2 min read
How To Add Someone To My Google Calendar

Google Calendar is a powerful tool for scheduling and keeping track of your appointments, meetings, and events. However, it's not just limited to personal use. Google Calendar allows you to share your calendar with others, making it easy to coordinate schedules with friends, family, and colleagues. In this article, we'll show you how to add someone to your Google Calendar.

Table of Contents

How to Send a Google Calendar Invite from a PC, Android or iPhone Apps
How to Send a Google Calendar Invite from a PC, Android or iPhone Apps from

Google Calendar is a powerful tool for scheduling and keeping track of your appointments, meetings, and events. However, it's not just limited to personal use. Google Calendar allows you to share your calendar with others, making it easy to coordinate schedules with friends, family, and colleagues. In this article, we'll show you how to add someone to your Google Calendar.

Step 1: Open Your Google Calendar

The first step is to open your Google Calendar. You can access it by going to or by clicking the Calendar icon in your Google Apps menu.

Step 2: Select the Calendar You Want to Share

Once you're in your Google Calendar, select the calendar you want to share. You can do this by clicking on the arrow next to the calendar name in the left-hand sidebar. Choose "Settings and sharing" from the dropdown menu.

Question: Can I Share Multiple Calendars?

Yes, you can share multiple calendars with different people or groups.

Step 3: Add the Person You Want to Share With

Under the "Share with specific people" section, click on "Add people" and enter the email address of the person you want to share your calendar with. You can also choose the level of access you want to give them, such as "Make changes and manage sharing" or "See all event details."

Question: What If They Don't Have a Google Account?

If the person you want to share your calendar with doesn't have a Google account, you can still share your calendar with them by selecting the "Get shareable link" option and sending them the link.

Step 4: Send the Invitation

Once you've added the person and selected their level of access, click on "Send" to send the invitation. The person will receive an email invitation to view and manage your calendar.

Step 5: Accept the Invitation

If the person accepts your invitation, they will be able to view and manage your calendar. They can also add events and appointments to the calendar.

Question: Can I Remove Someone from My Calendar?

Yes, you can remove someone from your calendar by going back to the "Settings and sharing" page and clicking on the person's name. Choose "Remove" from the dropdown menu.


Sharing your Google Calendar with others is a great way to stay organized and coordinate schedules with friends, family, and colleagues. By following these simple steps, you can easily add someone to your Google Calendar and start sharing your schedule today.

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