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Aztec Calendar Symbols And Meanings

Written by Bon Juve Dec 22, 2022 · 2 min read
Aztec Calendar Symbols And Meanings

The Aztec calendar is a complex system of symbols and meanings that has fascinated people for centuries. It is a representation of the Aztec worldview and their understanding of the universe. In this article, we will explore the meanings behind the Aztec calendar symbols and their significance in Aztec culture.

Table of Contents

Decoding The Magnificent Aztec Calendar Of Mexico Aztec symbols
Decoding The Magnificent Aztec Calendar Of Mexico Aztec symbols from
Aztec Calendar Symbols and Meanings

The Aztec calendar is a complex system of symbols and meanings that has fascinated people for centuries. It is a representation of the Aztec worldview and their understanding of the universe. In this article, we will explore the meanings behind the Aztec calendar symbols and their significance in Aztec culture.

The Aztec Calendar

The Aztec calendar, also known as the tonalpohualli, is made up of 260 days. It is a combination of two cycles – a 13-day cycle and a 20-day cycle. The 13-day cycle is represented by 13 different symbols, while the 20-day cycle is represented by 20 different symbols.

The Aztecs believed that each day had its own unique energy and that by understanding the energy of each day, they could better navigate their lives. The calendar was used for a variety of purposes, including divination, astrology, and religious ceremonies.

The Symbols

The symbols used in the Aztec calendar are rich in meaning and symbolism. Each symbol represents a different aspect of the universe and has its own unique energy. Some of the most important symbols include:

  • Coatl – snake
  • Ollin – movement
  • Xochitl – flower
  • Atl – water
  • Tecpatl – flint

Each of these symbols has its own unique meaning and is associated with specific energies and qualities. For example, Coatl (snake) is associated with transformation and rebirth, while Ollin (movement) is associated with change and progress.

Question and Answer

Q: What was the purpose of the Aztec calendar?

A: The Aztec calendar was used for a variety of purposes, including divination, astrology, and religious ceremonies.

Q: What do the symbols in the Aztec calendar represent?

A: The symbols in the Aztec calendar represent different aspects of the universe and have their own unique energy and meaning.


The Aztec calendar symbols and their meanings are a fascinating glimpse into the worldview of the Aztec people. By understanding these symbols, we can gain a deeper appreciation for their culture and the way they understood the universe. Whether used for divination, astrology, or religious ceremonies, the Aztec calendar remains an important part of Aztec culture and history.

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