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Apple Calendar Doesn't Sync With Google

Written by Ben Javu Jul 03, 2022 · 3 min read
Apple Calendar Doesn't Sync With Google

It's frustrating when you add an event to your Google calendar and it doesn't show up on your Apple calendar. This is a common problem that many users have experienced. The issue lies in the syncing process between the two calendars. While both calendars function well independently, they don't necessarily work seamlessly together. But don't worry, there are solutions to this problem!

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PSA Google Calendar Experiencing Syncing Issues With Apple Calendar
PSA Google Calendar Experiencing Syncing Issues With Apple Calendar from

The Problem:

It's frustrating when you add an event to your Google calendar and it doesn't show up on your Apple calendar. This is a common problem that many users have experienced. The issue lies in the syncing process between the two calendars. While both calendars function well independently, they don't necessarily work seamlessly together. But don't worry, there are solutions to this problem!

The Solution:

Before we dive into the solutions, it's important to understand how these two calendars work. Google calendar is a cloud-based calendar that can be accessed from any device. Apple calendar, on the other hand, is a native app that comes pre-installed on all Apple devices. The syncing issue arises when you try to connect these two calendars.

Q: How do I sync my Google calendar with my Apple calendar?

A: There are a few ways to sync your Google calendar with your Apple calendar. The first method is to use the Apple iCloud service. This service allows you to sync all your Apple devices with each other, including your calendar. To do this, you need to sign in to your iCloud account on your Apple device and turn on the calendar sync option. Then, you need to add your Google account to the Apple device and turn on the calendar sync for that account as well. This should allow your Google calendar events to show up on your Apple calendar.

The second method is to use a third-party app like SyncMate. This app can sync your Google calendar with your Apple calendar on your Mac computer. You simply need to download and install the app, connect your Google and Apple accounts, and select the sync option.

Q: Why isn't my Google calendar syncing with my Apple calendar?

A: There are a few reasons why your Google calendar may not be syncing with your Apple calendar. The first reason could be that you haven't turned on the calendar sync option for your Google account on your Apple device. To fix this, simply go to the Settings app on your Apple device, select Accounts & Passwords, and turn on the calendar sync option for your Google account.

The second reason could be that there is an issue with the syncing process. This could be due to a number of factors such as a poor internet connection, outdated software, or a glitch in the system. To troubleshoot this issue, try restarting your device, updating your software, or contacting customer support.


In conclusion, syncing your Google calendar with your Apple calendar can be a tricky process, but it's not impossible. By using the right tools and following the right steps, you can ensure that your calendar events show up on all your devices seamlessly. If you're still experiencing issues, don't hesitate to reach out to customer support for additional help.

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